Health Q Consulting is proud to have supported Action for People of Disability Inc (ACTION) in their successful submission to receive disability advocacy funding from the NSW Government under the Disability Advocacy Futures Program (DAFP).
In his report on disability advocacy funding in NSW, the NSW Ageing and Disability Commissioner, Mr Robert Fitzgerald AM, recommended a renewed program of disability advocacy funding for the NSW Government under the Disability Advocacy Futures Program (DAFP).
A competitive tender process was administered by the NSW Government. Health Q Consulting supported ACTION in their bid to provide individual advocacy services in the Northern Sydney and Central Coast region.
On the 13 December 2021, the NSW Government announced that ACTION was successful it is bid.
ACTION for People with Disability was formed by families in 1978 to promote and protect the rights and well-being of people with disability in the northern metropolitan region of Sydney, Australia. You can learn more about ACTION here:
Starting from 1 January 2022, the DAFP will support the approximately 1.4 million people living with disability in NSW to access NSW Government funded and delivered services.