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Disability Royal Commission requesting documents and data

The Disability Royal Commission advised last week that it had written to Disability Providers asking them to prepare to produce documents and data.

In particular the Commission advised that it "... will shortly issue them with formal notices to produce documents or to give information about the services they provide, complaints, investigations and reporting of incidents of violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation ... and policies and procedures to identify and manage any such incidents."

Other relevant extracts from the transport include:

"the Commission has compulsory powers which it can use to gather information and evidence if necessary. These include the power to issues notices requiring people to produce documents, things or information to the Commission, to provide written statements or to attend and give evidence in person."

"The Commission does not intend to use these powers to require any action by people with disability. Rather, the Commission may use its powers to obtain documents and other information where necessary from governmental bodies, agencies, commercial organisations and support providers."

"The information gathered by the Commission will assist it to prepare a series of public hearings"

"The Commission proposes that each hearing will focus on a theme. The Commission has developed themes or domains of inquiry around which to structure its work going forward. These domains will be further developed over time, and new themes may emerge as a result of the hearings, submissions or workshops with stakeholders and the community. At this stage, the domains of inquiry are homes and living, relationships, education and learning, economic participation, health, justice, individual autonomy, self-determination and the right to the dignity of risk, community participation and geographical challenges."

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