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Evaluation, six determinants of success

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

Health Q Consulting has extensive evaluation and consulting experience with a broad range of stakeholders and sectors including government, funders, primary health networks, service providers, GPs, care workers and service consumers. In particular, we have demonstrated capability in engaging with vulnerable people and communities as well as representative bodies, and mental health and youth services. We have the capacity, experience and necessary service-sector and network knowledge to engage quickly and meaningfully.

We strongly believe that six principles underpin our successful evaluation projects:

Our commitment to you

  • Methodologies will be rigorous in design, data collection and analysis to adhere to the highest standards of validity and reliability, appropriate to the intended use, to increase the accuracy and credibility of the information produced.

  • Design, conduct and reporting will respect the rights, dignity and entitlements of those affected by the project/research/investment.

  • Judgements and recommendations that are made as a result of the project will be based on sound data, modelling, evidence and complete information.

  • Unexpected and significant problems identified during the project will be reported as soon as possible.

  • Findings will be presented as clearly and simply as accuracy allows so that you and other stakeholders can easily understand the process and results. Oral and written reports will be direct, comprehensive and honest in the disclosure of findings and the limitations.

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