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Long Stay Patient Transition to Discharge Project Evaluation

Updated: May 6, 2022


In March 2022, Health Q Consulting (Health Q) was appointed by Wellbeing SA to evaluate the Long Stay Patient Transition to Discharge Project. An overarching evaluation framework was developed to guide the evaluation.

The Evaluation Report included:

1. A brief description of all components that make up the Project to give context to the range of initiatives undertaken throughout the Project.

2. A detailed focus on the Patient Support initiative including:

  • Identification and description of the benefits of the patient support initiative from the perspective of the public health system, Wellbeing SA’s central role and patients/NDIS participants including the patient experience.

  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the patient support initiative on discharge facilitation.

  • Financial cost / benefit to the health system.

  • Identification of learnings from the patient support initiative (positive/unintended consequences).

  • Opportunities for further streamlining/areas for improvement within the patient support initiative should the opportunity arise to continue the initiative beyond 30 June 2022.

3. A detailed focus on the Escalation initiative including:

  • Identification and description of the benefits of the Escalation initiative from the perspective of the public health system, Wellbeing SA’s central role and patients/NDIS participants.

  • Analysis of the effectiveness of the Escalation initiative on discharge facilitation including a comparative analysis of the escalation request and outcome of the request.

  • Identification of learnings from the Escalation initiative (positive/unintended consequences).

  • Opportunities for further streamlining/areas for improvement within the Escalation initiative.

In total, 20 stakeholders attended online consultations (using MS Teams). The following LHNs engaged in the evaluation through either consultation or the online survey: Barossa, Hills and Fleurieu LHN, Central Adelaide LHN, Eyre and Far North LHN, Northern Adelaide LHN, Southern Adelaide LHN, Women’s and Children’s Hospital Network, and Yorke and Northern LHN.

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