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NDIS Service delivery improvement roadmap


Country & Outback Health Inc

The Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) has reported that at times, individuals are clinically and medically ready to return to living in community or assisted living settings, but experience complex needs which require specialised accommodation design, equipment, or other supports in place before they can do so. Often these individuals are unable to leave hospital for long periods of time as a result, remaining in hospital until the necessary supports can be approved and arranged. 


The Disability Accommodation (aged under 18 years) Project will enable Local Health Networks, in particular WCHN, to enhance relationships with key providers to support both the discharge of NDIS participants aged under 18 years and explore hospital avoidance mechanisms. 


Disability Accommodation (aged under 18s) Project


Wellbeing SA

The Women’s and Children’s Health Network (WCHN) has reported that at times, individuals are clinically and medically ready to return to living in community or assisted living settings, but experience complex needs which require specialised accommodation design, equipment, or other supports in place before they can do so. Often these individuals are unable to leave hospital for long periods of time as a result, remaining in hospital until the necessary supports can be approved and arranged. 


The Disability Accommodation (aged under 18 years) Project will enable Local Health Networks, in particular WCHN, to enhance relationships with key providers to support both the discharge of NDIS participants aged under 18 years and explore hospital avoidance mechanisms. 


NDIS Ready. Service assessment & roadmap

2021 - 2022

Not-for-profit provider

Nunkuwarrin Yunti of South Australia Inc appointed Health Q Consulting to assist the organisation to prepare for the delivery of services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) for local Aboriginal people within the metropolitan region of Adelaide.


The project provided the organisation with a structured and staged roadmap to commence NDIS service delivery, with explicit reference to resourcing requirements and financial modelling needed to run effective NDIS services for the local Aboriginal community.  The outputs included identifying the NDIS services are most a suitable for delivery by Nunkuwarrin Yunti and an initial market assessment and financial model for those services.


NDIS gap analysis & roadmap


Not-for-profit provider

Helping Hand (HH) is a not-for-profit organisation offering help at home, retirement living and residential care to over 7,000 older South Australians in Adelaide and regional South Australia. The NDIS has transitioned Aged Care providers as Registered NDIS providers.


Health Q Consulting was appointed to complete an initial gap analysis against the NDIS Practice Standards, identify issues that might be experienced at NDIS-audit and develop an action plan (or roadmap) to respond to the gaps and issues identified.


Tender strategy, development & submission for Individual Advocacy


Action for People with Disability

Action for People with Disability Inc (ACTION) appointed Health Q Consulting to assist in the-tender preparation, tender development and submission to the New South Wales state government under the new Disability Advocacy Futures Program (DAFP). This work involved facilitating the development of a strategic partnership (including governance arrangements), documenting the advocacy model and writing of the tender submission.


On the 13 December 2021, the NSW Government announced that ACTION was successful it is bid to provide individual advocacy in Northern Sydney and Central Coast NSW.

Image by Anna Earl

NDIS business case, implementation planning and support

2020 - 2021

Not-for-profit provider

The organisation provides services in SA and the NT (Central Australia) with a focus on counselling, homelessness, and support for financial distress. Until recently it did not provide NDIS services.


Health Q Consulting developed a project plan for the establishment of NDIS services as well as: service demand forecasting, financial modelling and business case development, NDIS business modelling and margin analysis, NDIS compliance and terms of business, business system development (including software selection) and implementation. This resulted in the launch of NDIS services in July 2021

Image by Alireza Attari

Consideration of expanded NDIS services and other income streams 


Not-for-profit provider

The organisation is a registered NDIS provider that provides 24-hour support and accommodation for people living with complex and diverse disabilities in the north and north-eastern suburbs of Adelaide.


Health Q Consulting supported the organisations strategic planning processes and workshop. The project involved the conducted research to present an analysis of new revenue opportunities that could be available from alternative NDIS registration groups and non-NDIS revenue streams

Image by Amy Hirschi

Strategic, NDIS advice & leadership mentoring (incl. compliance)


For-profit provider

The organisation was a for-profit disability support provider and was in the process of seeking NDIS provider registration. 


Health Q Consulting was appointed initially to support the preparation for the NDIS audit (incorporating attendance during the audit visit) and now provides ongoing support, including:

  • NDIS business plans and performance measurement and improvement

  • Financial modelling and business case development

  • NDIS compliance, and NDIS audit preparation

  • Governance & performance support.

Organizing Data

Financial sustainability and benchmarking of NDIS services


Not-for-profit disability provider

Leveraging the 2020 NDIA reports published for the Annual Price review, and the Disability Support Worker Cost Model, Darren completed a comprehensive benchmarking exercise of organisational financial performance. An extract of the organisation’s rostering and payroll data provided the foundation for the analysis, allowing comparison at a revenue and cost component level to the benchmark and cost-model data.


The analysis identified areas of competitive advantage and opportunities for improvement. Darren presented charts, analysis and commentary to the executive, as well as recommendations for strategic and operational improvement. As well as learnings about cost structures, the analysis also provided insights into invoicing risks and opportunities for improvement.

Image by Edgar Castrejon


strategy, NDIS registration & implementation support


For-profit disability provider

Health Q Consulting was appointed to support an existing disability provider to develop a strategy to include Supported Independent Living (SIL, registration group 115) to its suite of services.  The project involved an initial consideration of risks, opportunities and the development of a project plan and strategy to commence SIL services.


Darren supported both the planning and implementation, supporting: the appointment of NDIS auditors, the review and development of policies and procedures, workforce planning and the development of strategies to promote the new service.


This project is still continuing. SIL services are expected to commence in 2021.


Development of a SDA and housing strategy


Not-for-profit disability provider

Darren supported as existing SIL and SDA provider to complete an analysis of available data and market trends and developments to explore opportunities to strengthen its position in both the SIL and SDA markets. 


The project included the analysis of local supply and demand for SDA homes, as well as the review of existing relationships and contracts with current housing providers to the SIL services provided by the organisation.


The strategy presented to the Board developed a five-year plan, inclusive of KPIs and targets to support the organisation to meet its strategic goals.


Analysis of NDIS SDA demand and housing supply in metropolitan SA


Housing developer

Health Q Consulting was appointed to prepare a summary of available data to support the assessment of suitable locations in Adelaide and design types for new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) housing.

Local government areas with high SDA demand were identified, and Darren prepared an analysis of available data and commentary to inform:


  • a suitable location to acquire land for the SDA project

  • an appropriate housing type and design standard to meet SDA demand and participant and SIL provider needs


Darren also completed financial modelling and sensitivity analysis to support the developer assessment of the SDA investment opportunity.

Image by Jo Szczepanska

Gap analysis & development of SDA policies  to support NDIS registration


For-profit disability provider

Health Q Consulting was appointed to complete an SDA gap-analysis of the provider’s SDA-relevant policies, procedures and templates. The objective was to ensure compliance with the NDIS Standards and SDA Rules and to ensure the organisation was well prepared for the forthcoming audit to obtain SDA Registration. 


The project was complete in three stages: (1) Document collection; (2) Comparative analysis against the SDA rules; and (3) Revisions to documents.


Darren supported the provider through the NDIS audit, and certification for the SDA registration group was achieved.

Image by Campaign Creators

Delivery of staff training on NDIS SDA and other housing models


For-profit disability provider

Health Q Consulting was engaged to develop and provide a training package to the organisation’s executive leadership and other key personnel regarding SDA.


The information session was conducted over two hours and covered:


  • NDIS Accommodation models (comparing STA, MTA and SDA)

  • SDA principles, rules and operational essentials

  • An overview of the policy framework required for SDA

  • Analysis of market data and observations to inform strategic planning

  • Overview of conflict of interest and mitigations

  • Outlook for a “mature” SDA market

Reviewing for the Exam

Evaluation of the  Disability Support Pension Assessment Process


Commonwealth Department of Social Services

The evaluation sought to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the 2015 reforms to the DSP claim assessment process, intended to provide additional rigour to the DSP assessment process to improve and uphold the integrity of the welfare system.


Darren was an Associate to the evaluation team and completed extensive data analysis, since 2015, to determine the extent to which the revised processes had met the policy intent, including (but not limited to): reduced assessment timeframes; impacts of appeals and reviews; potential disadvantage to vulnerable cohorts. In addition, Darren completed the cost-effectiveness analysis reporting on the extent to which the changes represented value for money for Government.

Application Design

Review of NDIS rostering practices & development of cloud-based App


Not-for-profit disability provider

With the objective of optimising invoicing for services provided, and ensuring compliance with the NDIA Terms of Business, Darren completed an end to end process review of rostering practices.  The review involved consultation with the executive leadership, support staff, finance, and the centralised rostering team.


The review identified opportunities for improvement and led to the development and implementation of a cloud-based app to support compliance and improve both invoicing and rostering accuracy and efficiency. Darren led the app design and implementation, collaborating with a Smartsheet technical partner.  Darren developed and produced training materials and an instructional video to support the roll-out across the entire direct support workforce.

Minibus on the Road

NDIS transport & travel billing implementation with cloud-based App


Not-for-profit disability provider

Darren worked with the NDIS provider to commence invoicing activity-based transport and travel for the first time in 2019.  For many years these travel and transport costs were effectively an overhead of the organisation.  Darren completed a review of vehicle costs and utilisation and consulted with key staff to develop a Transport Billing Framework that was compliant with the NDIS rules.


Darren led the app design and implementation, collaborating with a Smartsheet technical partner.  Darren developed and produced training materials and an instructional video to support the roll-out across the entire direct support workforce. In addition, the data collected by the tool is extracted in a format to allow for integration with the organisation’s financial systems to streamline invoicing.

Image by Polargold

Analysis of NDIS SDA demand and housing supply in NSW


For-profit-disability provider

The provider appointed Health Q Consulting to prepare a summary of available data to support the assessment of suitable locations in NSW and design types for new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) housing.


Nine Local Government Areas (LGAs) were identified for review. Darren prepared an analysis of available data and commentary based on the nine LGAs (as well as the state and national averages), with a focus on available:


  • Population and tenancy data

  • Disability types

  • NDIS Participant information

  • SDA Supply data

Image by Adeolu Eletu

NDIS SIL performance monitoring framework and dashboard


Not-for-profit disability provider

Health Q Consulting undertook a rostering performance and financial review of the disability providers SIL performance, taking a house by house approach to identify profitability if the SIL services, at a house-level, and as a whole.  The review utilised rostering, payroll and invoicing data, as well as extracting critical information for the SIL quotes and roster of care approved by the NDIA.


The review identified opportunities for improvement in rostering practices and developed and implemented a SIL Performance Dashboard to report on SIL performance against the approved roster of care on a fortnightly basis and report on the utilisation of irregular hours.


Mapping of Early Childhood Early Intervention Services in SA


Early Childhood Intervention Australia

In February 2016, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) formulated the Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) approach. The ECEI approach is based on best-practice principles and focuses on evidence-based, family-centred practice, and timely, well-integrated early intervention.


The project identified and mapped existing and potential early childhood and early intervention services available to work with children with developmental delay and disability and their families and carers in South Australia following full NDIS transition. The project provided ECIA and NDIA with important tools and resources to inform future service planning and development across the ECI service sector.


Strategic services review and demand modelling


Novita Children’s Services

This review generated a deeper understanding of demand over the medium to long term for Novita’s services in metropolitan Adelaide and South Australian regional areas for current and future clients up to the age of 24 years of age. It also provided strategic advice on how the data and analysis could be integrated and applied to inform future policy decision making and the conduct of future initiatives that will assist Novita to develop sustainable strategic pathways to achieve optimal business and operational outcomes.


The review considered the state of current and recommended infrastructure and resources to support those outcomes; geographical variations in service provision; and client needs and demand.


Research to inform the use of smart assistive technology


Department of Communities, Queensland

The objective of this research project was to provide evidence to inform future decision making about the use of smartAT as a component of service delivery for people with a disability.


A case study approach was undertaken to assess five demonstration projects which were implemented across Home and Community Care (HACC) funded organisations across Queensland. The project presented an evidence base at a national and international level in relation to smartAT and how it is used at a service provider and client level and well as presenting recommendations to facilitate the uptake and application of smartAT within the Australian service delivery/operational environment; the policy and practice changes required, and service provider views regarding the client and staff experience of smartAT.


Evaluation of the Positive Futures Initiative


Department of Communities, Queensland

This evaluation, was commissioned in response to a $228m funding investment to reform the Disability and Community Care Services (DCCS) and disability sector’s response to the care and support of adults with an intellectual/cognitive disability and severely challenging behaviours, and who pose a significant risk of harm to themselves, their support workers and/or the community. In order to understand what initiatives had been implemented and the outcomes generated as a result, 42 client-based case studies across the seven disability services regions in Queensland were implemented. Quantitative outcomes were measured using the HoNOS-LD tool.


Darren was the Project Manager and involved in all aspects of the evaluation.

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