Source: NDIA, COAG Disability Reform Council Quarterly Report 31 March 2019
The NDIA has reported:
The average employment rate for participants aged 15 or more by disability type is 23%. The highest employment rates occur in participants with a hearing impairment at 57%, and other sensory or speech disabilities at 32%. Participants with an acquired brain injury (ABI) and other neurological disabilities are among those least likely to be employed, with baseline employment levels at 13%. The lowest percentage of employment by disability type is at 5% for people who have had a stroke, explained in part by age.
The target for the number of employed participants in both cohorts is 26% for 2018-19.
The average employment rate is 23%. Employment rates for people with disability have been at approximately 30% for the last decade (source: DS NMDS). But we must be on the cusp of significant change.
Looking forward to what the future holds and how inclusion and open employment evolve for people with disability in Australia.